Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

Fresh Vision and Thrifty Decor December 31, 2008

Filed under: Home,Seasons — Jen @ 1:19 pm

As the New Year looms on the horizon, many people make resolutions, stay up late and party in the New Year watching the ball drop, find someone to kiss at the strike of 12 and pop the champagne/sparkling cider.

I am not one of those people.

With a husband that works in the hotel industry, I am typically at home with my little one snoozing when the ball drops ringing in the New Year, yet I am not entirely without tradition as a fresh year begins.

I am reminded of a quote from Anne of Green Gables, “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.” This is how I view the New Year: A fresh slate waiting to be written on. It inspires me to clean, organize and plan. Armed with a to do list a mile long, I begin today: Cut Paul’s Hair, Laundry, Spot treat and soak the white tablecloth with chocolate icing on it, Organize and put away the last of the Christmas presents lingering in the living room, Vacuum, Mop the kitchen floors, Organize the garage, Take out the upstairs trash, the list goes on and on. I may even scrub the bath tub.

I just finished a very apropos book in time for the New Year entitled, “Passionate Housewives Desperate for God“- Fresh Vision for the Hopeful Homemaker. It truly was “fresh vision” and inspired me to reevaluate my days and look at how I can best invest my time at home.

Throughout the day, as I make my way through the to do list, I will attempt to post pictures and share some ideas for thrifty decor. IF I can get my picture uploader to work with Windows 98. Our computer bit the dust and we are working from my parent’s old cpu. Thanks Mom and Dad :).


One Response to “Fresh Vision and Thrifty Decor”

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