Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

“Gratefulness” or “Why I Will Probably Never Write A Novel” June 27, 2013


When I was a child, I used to write a lot of fiction: how the world became colorful; about the lady who lived in the old Victorian home on Weeping Cherry street; about the neighbors my brother and I spied on; and the missionary in Cambodia. I wrote poems and songs and day dreamed 100 stories for every one I put to paper.

I always imagined writing a great piece of fiction someday. I think a lot of people dream that- writing the great American novel. So, I often wondered why the dream died to some extent. Why all my current writing was of the non-fiction variety? They were simple stories about funny things the kids have done; writings about my home, the people in it and the garden we grow or the food that we share.


I would sit and try to think of something imaginary to write about because I had such an enormous imagination when I was little. Do you outgrow an imagination? Do you become cynical with age or do you stop dreaming?

Tonight, for Father’s Day (yes, it took me a while to get this post up) my husband and I munched on popcorn and watched a movie called “The Magic of Belle Isle”. In the movie the main character, an author, stops writing after the death of his wife until a little 9 year old girl wants him to teach her how to imagine a story. She and her family inspire him to dream all new dreams again and he begins to write. Watching, I wondered again to myself, “why don’t I write a story?” Always followed by the question, “but what would I write about?”.

This time, I realized something.

 I write little bits about my life and the craziness and wonderfulness that goes with it instead of spending my nights writing out of a dream world because my reality far surpasses my imagination. How many people can say that? I am amazingly blessed just thinking about it.


I found a journal some months back that contained my dreams and prayers and thoughts dating to when I was just 17 years old. As I read over those prayers, it overwhelmed me to realize that I am currently living them (well, all except the big old farmhouse or Victorian restoration home). From little things like my garden and bookshelves full of books, to big things like my husband and a house full of children. Things that God didn’t need to bless me with to bring glory to Himself or even satisfaction in my life and yet He did.

Which makes me smile… and makes me want to write about them and tell everyone… and makes me want to pinch myself some days to see if it is real… and makes me want to document it for all time for those days when things are really hard and I forget.   

It is the reason I can sit in front of a blank word processing screen thinking about making up some story and then before I can begin, tales of the day begin filling the pages instead because real life is so much better than any dream or hope or plan that I could have for myself.


That said, I still dream. I dream about my children’s lives. I don’t write these down because I have learned that what God has in store for them will meet or exceed every dream I may have for them. I wouldn’t want my children to read the dreams that I have for them some day and be limited by them or somehow think that Mama’s plan is God’s plan. However, there is one dream for my children that fills most of the pages of my journals. It is one that I want them to know that their Mama always prayed for them and their lives. If I could dream one thing for my children and look back on it one day when I am old and gray (if God should choose to give me breath until that day)- it would be that my children would be called by Him and saved and walking in faith.

mama love

print by: Ron DiCianni

I dream of the day that I can look back at my young, 30 year old self’s journal and see the pages covered with that prayer and swinging on my front porch swing (maybe even on the porch of an old farmhouse or Victorian restoration) become overwhelmed by the reality that my children have been blessed with everything I have dreamed for them. I understand the scripture, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (3 John 1:4) It would be my greatest joy.

May my children realize that in this culture of virtual reality and even in the wonderful world of books, the best story is the real one God is working out in their lives each day.



Checking In and Inspiration December 10, 2008

Filed under: Home — Jen @ 3:19 pm

posygetscozyPosy’s Studio at Posy Gets Cozy

It is Aralyn’s nap time at our household and she is actually, blissfully sleeping.  So, what am I doing?  Browsing blogs and flikr absorbing so much of other people’s creativity my head hurts.  Literally.  But not really because of the blog jumping, I woke up with a migraine.  Tylenol in… and more browsing.

How cute is the above Crafting studio?  I absolutely love it.  All of Alicia Paulson’s photographs of her house and crafts make me smile and want to do spring cleaning even in winter.  Here is her kitchen:



These make me want to go to the flea market.

This almost erases the fact that my camera’s battery charger is broken and I am having camera withdrawals even though I can’t upload pictures on this old CPU.

More picture browsing… yep I feel better.

Have a wonderful day!  See you tomorrow for Tales from the Homekeeper.


Spring is Just Around the Corner! February 18, 2008

Filed under: Seasons — Jen @ 1:04 am
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In my tiny corner of the world, my bathroom never fails to cheer me up. Surrounded by fragile blooms of a pink flowering cherry tree, I have my own sanctuary of Spring even as the bitter winter wind howls outside. Right now, even the frigid temperatures of Missouri can’t get me down because it is February which means Spring is just around the corner! Spring is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and for me: simplicity. Time to box up all those winter blues and unpack a fresh perspective! Since I am an extremely visual person, here are some of my favorite inspiring images of Spring to brighten your day and hopefully banish those pesky winter doldrums.