Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

Mason Jar Monday May 18, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 8:08 pm

mason jar monday36Today’s Mason Jar Monday Idea can be found at Craftzine.

They write:

“The crafting world seems to have come down with a major case of terrarium fever, and I’m no exception. It’s so much fun creating these verdant little worlds, and I especially like that my cats can’t get to the plants inside. I’ve been having a lot of fun making woodland-themed moss terrariums for friends, so I thought I’d share what I’ve learned with CRAFT readers. You can purchase lidded glass containers at craft stores, but this project relies on reusing mason jars you may already have on hand. The rest of the materials needed can easily be found at home and garden stores. Read on to find out more!

MasonSupplies Materials:
• Glass mason jar with lid (I used an old spaghetti sauce jar)
• Potting soil
• Activated charcoal (sometimes called terrarium charcoal)
• Small stones, pebbles, or gravel
• Sheet moss (sometimes called preserved sheet moss)
• Decorations (such as small toys, larger rocks, etc.)
• Chopsticks or bamboo skewers
• Spray paint (if desired)

First prep your jar by washing and drying it. If you’re reusing a mason jar, you may want to spray paint the lid to cover any logos, etc. I painted mine using Krylon spray paint in “Blue Ocean Breeze.” The coverage is great and the drying time is only 10 minutes. I also had to remove some sticker residue from the glass. I soaked the jar in warm, soapy water, which removed most of the label. Then I took the residue off with a bit of vegetable oil on a cleaning cloth.


Start by adding a 1″ layer of pebbles to the bottom of the jar, followed by a thin layer of charcoal. The charcoal will help filter the water in your terrarium and will absorb odors — otherwise your terrarium may start to stink. (You can also choose to mix some charcoal into your soil at a 1:4 ratio, but I prefer the layered look.) After the pebbles and charcoal, you’ll add a 3″–4″ layer of potting soil.

Now you’ll start adding in the greenery. Simply tear pieces of moss off the sheet and place them in a single layer inside the jar. It can be hard to fit your hand inside the jar to adjust things, so use chopsticks or a bamboo skewer to move the plants around.


If you want to create some interest with height, you could mound up the soil in one area to create a mini-mountain to cover in moss. All-moss terrariums look great, but you can also experiment with adding plants like small ferns and the like. I found some nice plants growing between the sidewalk cracks while walking my dog one morning, so I ripped a few out and brought them home to add to my jar. They’ve been absolutely thriving in their new mason jar ecosystem.

Decorate as you wish with a variety of rocks, shells, plastic toys, or whatever you like! I used some fun plastic deer and mushroom cupcake toppers from Bake It Pretty.

Now water your terrarium lightly (until you can see some moisture down in the pebble layer), and screw on the lid. You will need to water your terrarium every few weeks. Droplets of moisture are fine — you want to see these — but if it starts looking especially foggy in there, take the lid off for a few hours to let moisture escape. Otherwise, an occasional water and/or spritz with a spray bottle should be fine.

TeenyJarIf you want to get super crazy, use a teeny jam jar to make a mini-terrarium! Here’s one I made using a Bonne Maman orange marmalade jar. I love these because the glass has a beautiful shape and they have a fun red and white gingham lid. Follow the same directions as above, just use less of all the supplies.”


Mason Jar Monday April 13, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 11:46 pm

Tonight I was going to post the adorable easter bunny mason jar that my Mom spent forever making specifically for this post- BUT I am a bad daughter and not only have I not found eyes for him yet but I also left my camera in the car which is at work with my husband so I can’t take and show you any pictures tonight.  SO, next week- Mason Jar Easter Bunny… this week- Pantry Stocking with Mason Jars!

Recently, I have been looking into pantry stocking.  With all the talk about how the economy is going to get worse, I figured instead of complaining- let’s be proactive!  Well, I truly believe that God led me to some pantry stocking resources right when we needed it because after about a month of pantry stocking, my husband had two paychecks which were short and we lived off the pantry stock without crisis for quite some time and still are until his next paycheck.  Why the post about pantry stocking for Mason Jar Monday you might ask?  Because of this!

pantry14and this,

pantry16and this,

pantry7and this,


and this,

pantry6and thispantry4

and this.

Is there any prettier way to stock your pantry than with mason jars?  Seriously.

Here are some of my favorite pantry stocking resources.  Hopefully, they will bless your life as they have mine thus far.

NOTE: These blogs are from mostly Mormon religious background and do not reflect the faith of this blogger but are wonderful pantry stocking resources.

http://theprudenthomemaker.com/ (Thanks to Nancy for referring me to this site)




Mason Jar Matrimony! March 30, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 8:31 pm


It’s officially Spring and you know what that means- wedding season!  As I was looking through pages and pages of pictures of mason jars used in weddings, I couldn’t narrow it down to a few favorites because they are all breathtaking, clever or just plain make me smile, so this post may be longer than my normal Mason Jar Mondays. 🙂  If you or someone you know is planning a Spring wedding, this is the post for you!  Here you go!  The best of Mason Jar Matrimony!











Drink Glasses-












Wedding Favors-




One bride requested that her wedding guests send her their wedding pictures and displayed the wedding pictures of all her guests in mason jars at the reception.  How is that for creative!?


Theme Montage-




Mason Jar Monday March 23, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 5:07 pm

mason-jar-monday6I thought this was incredibly cute for a craft room or even holding gardening supplies outside or in the garage.  Apparently it is made with sections of wall molding from a thrift store and hose clamps.  I love it!


Mason Jar Monday March 16, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 4:35 pm



Mason Jar Monday March 9, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 8:57 pm

Picture this in a mason jar.  How cute for St. Patty’s Day!  You could hide them around the house for a fun scavenger hunt.



An Irish Mason Jar Monday March 2, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 4:09 pm


pictured above: “green juice” fresh from the juicer

My husband is of Irish/Welsh/possibly Scottish decent, our last name thought to be very Irish but now I am finding out it may be more Scottish.  Anyhow, in the spirit of all things Irish, here is a St. Patrick’s Day Craft for your mason jars.  If you happen to have green mason jars or mason jar lids like this:


all the better.

Leprechaun Chowder found here.

Put one package of Pistachio Pudding Mix in a mason jar with a label like this only change 1/4 cup of milk to 2 cups of milk since we are using the whole pudding mix package:


Another fun thing to do around St. Patrick’s Day is to put white carnation flower into a mason jar with water tinted green from green food coloring.  The flower will soak up the green water turning its petals a beautiful shade of green.  Again if you have a green mason jar like this one:


all the better.  You can use this opportunity to talk about botany and study how and why the petals turn colors with your children for a great impromptu science lesson!

Happy Early St. Patrick’s Day!


Mason Jar Monday February 16, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 3:15 pm

Be sure and read on for this week’s backtracked new posts underneath including: Tales from the HomeKeeper, Psalm and Praise Saturday and Walgreen’s Deals.


Mason Jar Eggs

This mason jar idea found at Ideas in Food.

They write:  I wish I could say this technique or idea is ground breaking and world changing.  It is not.  Rather, this is a great and simple way to prepare coddled eggs for one or one hundred guests, where the eggs are perfectly cooked, flavored and will stay warm while the guest eats them.  In this simple preparation, we cooked the eggs in a 63.8 degree C (156 degree F) water bath for one hour and fifteen minutes.  The eggs were seasoned with salt, truffle oil and a knob of butter.  We served it simply with grilled toast though a warm mushroom and asparagus stew spooned over the eggs would be equally smashing.



Mason Jar Money (a little belated) February 10, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 2:58 pm


Scripture Jars

Hey everyone. I’m a little behind on Mason Jar Monday as we had some blood test adventures yesterday and it slipped my mind. Here is an idea that could be used with mason jars as a centerpiece on you dinner table. Pick one to read and discuss each night with the kiddos. I’m not crazy about the tags in this picture but it is really personal preference not conviction as I steer away from gimmicky sayings like “a scripture a day keeps the devil away” but like the idea of a scripture jar by itself.

I try not to post boring things like health issues here online but if you think about it this week keep me in your prayers as I go through some tests today and tomorrow. Have a super week and I will be back Thursday for “Tales from the HomeKeeper”


Mason Jar Monday February 2, 2009

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday — Jen @ 4:06 pm


This is a great idea for Valentine’s Day coming up for Grandparents, teachers, close friends etc. From Sugar Bush Kids website:


  • Glass Jar (Clear..Interesting shape is best)
  • Cut Magazine pictures of flower or some other theme or tissue paper.
    • Old Kid’s photos works well too, use the ones that did not turn out quite right and cut out what you want
    • Great way to use up your small pieces of left over wrapping paper (Christmas, Birthday, Shower…)
  • Modge-podge or white glue that dries clear
  • Acrylic Craft Varnish


  • Glue pictures onto the glass jar in a hap-hazard mosaic with pictures facing out. Cover sides of jar completely and let dry.
  • Cover jar with Acrylic craft Varnish to seal and shine (Easy alternative to varnish …just use more white craft glue that dries clear)
  • Fill with dried flowers