Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

House Sitting July 22, 2008

Filed under: Home — Jen @ 7:52 pm
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A few days this week we are house sitting for my parents at the house I grew up in. I forgot how much I missed having a screened in porch! It helped that today was the first day in a while that the Missouri heat has dipped under 90 degrees and even felt humidity-free! Shock and Awe!

Aralyn and I enjoyed some strawberry yogurt for breakfast on the porch and then rocked in the outdoor rocking chair while listening to the rain and singing, “I’m just a little old rain cloud…”. It was heavenly.

For dinner, we ate cold egg salad sandwiches with some carrot and celery sticks and pineapple by candlelight with a centerpiece of pink, and yellow flowers that Ara picked today from the yard. Ah…. what a day!

So, today I wish you one peaceful screened porch to rock on and put up your tired feet, listening to the cicadas chirping and watching the fireflies dance!