Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

Sale Saturday November 29, 2008

Filed under: Deals — Jen @ 7:45 pm
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Arm and Hammer Laundry Detergent is on sale B1G1 for .01 cent with WA coupon= 2/7.00 minus 2/1.00 off coupons= 2/5.00 or 2.50 ea.


Dawn Dish Liquid is on sale B1G1 for .01 cent with WA coupon= 2/2.00 minus 2/.25 off coupons= 2/1.50 or .75 cents ea.


Tuf Paper Towels are on sale 2/1.00 or .50 cents ea with WA coupon.


Celestial Seasonings Tea on sale B1G1 for .01 cent with WA coupon= 2/3.50 minus 2/1.00 off manufacturer’s coupons= 2/1.50 or .75 cents ea.


Energizer Max 8 pack AA Batteries are on sale for 5.99 minus 2.00 off esaver coupon= 3.99 minus 1.00 off manufacturers coupon= 2.99 for an 8 pack


Duracell 4 pack AA Batteries are on sale for 2.99 with WA coupon minus .75 off manufacturers coupon= 2.24 for a 4 pack


Walgreen’s Double Zipper Bags are on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon.


Disposable lighters come in handy for lighting holiday candles and are on sale this week 4/1.00 or .25 cents ea. with WA coupon.

Miscellaneous Christmas Decor is on sale for .99 cents.


Christmas Mugs are on sale 2/1.00 with WA coupon.


Electric Candoliers are on sale B1G1 for .01 cent with WA coupon= 2/1.80 or .90 cents ea.


Scotch Magic Tape is on sale 2/1.00 or .50 cents ea. with WA coupon.


Walgreen’s Cotton Balls are on sale for .99 cents ea. with WA coupon. (Great for snowman crafts)


Yardley London Moisturizing Bar Soap is on sale B1G1 with WA coupon= 2/1.29 or .65 cents ea.


Softsoap Liquid Hand Soap is on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon minus .25 cents manufacturers coupon= .74 cents

colgate1Colgate Max Fresh Toothpaste or Toothbrush is on sale for 2.99 minus 2.00 in rollover= .99 cents minus .75 cents off manufacturers coupon= .24 cents


Reach Toothbrushes are on sale 2/6 minus B1G1manufacturers coupon= 2/3.00 minus 6.00 in rollover= FREE plus 3.00 overage!


Carmex Lip Balm is on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon.


Tuesday is Turkey Cooking Day! November 25, 2008

Filed under: Deals,Home,Seasons — Jen @ 2:02 pm


Today is Turkey Cooking Day at our household! I’m just about to go prepare the bird for cooking and wanted to stop in to remind you that today is the last day to take advantage of free shipping along with the tiered free gift program at Vision Forum. Click the icon below or in my sidebar for more info. Happy Shopping and Happy Thanksgiving!


A Very Merry Mason Jar Monday November 23, 2008


Peppermint Candy Cane Jar

I absolutely adore this Candy Cane Jar craft idea from Michaels.com

“Cheer up any table with this festive Peppermint Candy Jar. Store candy canes, chocolates, or peppermints for holiday visitors, or fill it with gingerbread cookies to give as a festive holiday gift. This is one gift wrap that won’t be thrown away. And, it will continue to be used as a decorative/storage container.”

The website has a list of materials and directions to complete this jar exactly like the picture, however; I like to just look at crafts and then figure out my own way to make something similar.  If you are one that likes to follow the directions to a tee: click the above link.

Also, Michaels is running a rather large sale this week on Christmas/Holiday materials.  The weekly ad for my area included a 40% off coupon plus 3 bonus coupons.

I found another take on a Candy Cane Jar here:


If you make a Candy Cane Jar please remember to take pictures and send them to weepingcherries@live.com to have them displayed in an upcoming Mason Jar Monday.  Happy Crafting!


Sale Saturday on Sunday

Filed under: Deals — Jen @ 6:23 pm
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Sorry ladies, once again someone stole my newspaper because we were out of town until Saturday afternoon and if you don’t pick yours up Saturday morning- it seems to be a signal to the neighbors that it is free game. Harummph! Okay, here are the Walgreen’s Deals I spot this week:


Hershey’s Holiday Candy is on sale 4/10.00 minus Esaver Rebate of 5.00= 4/5.00 minus coupon here off three= 4/4.00 or 1.00 ea.


Kashi GoLean Crunch Cereal is on sale 2/5.00 minus (2) 2.00 off coupons here= 2/1.00 or .50 cents ea.


Welch’s Grape Juice is on sale for 2.50 minus 1.00 manufacturer’s coupon= 1.50


Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is on sale with WA coupon for .69 cents.


Hunts Tomato Sauce is on sale with WA coupon for .29 cents minus .40 off 2 manufacturer’s coupon= 2/.18 cents or .09 cents ea.


Werther’s Original Candies are on sale B1G1 or 2/2.29 minus (2) 1.00 off coupons found here= 2/.29 cents minus 1.00 off esaver coupon= FREE plus .71 cent overage!


HomeCenter Latex Household Gloves are on sale for .39 cents for all your holiday cleaning purposes.


Bounty Basic Paper Towel Rolls are on sale with WA coupon for .89 cents minus .25 cent manufacturer’s coupon= .64 cents


Sharpie Permanent Markers are on sale with WA coupon for .50 cents.


Sure Deodorant is on sale for 1.99 minus 1.50 esaver coupon=.49 cents minus 1.00 manufacturer’s coupon here= FREE plus .51 cents overage!

A special thanks to my brother Jon who found this Sure Deodorant link for me!  Love you!


Skintimate Shave Gel is on sale for 1.99 minus 1.00 rollover= .99 cents.


Excedrin is on sale B1G1or 2/4.49 minus (2)2.00 off manufacturer coupons here= .24 cents.


Colgate Total Advanced Toothpaste is on sale for 2.99 minus esaver coupon of 3.00 when you buy two= 2/3.00 minus (2) 1.50 off coupons here= FREE


Kleenex Facial Tissue is on sale for .89 cents with WA coupon minus .50 off three manufacturer’s coupon= 3/2.17 or .72 cents ea.


Note: New Recipe Tab November 20, 2008

Filed under: What's Cookin' Wednesday — Jen @ 2:29 pm
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In lieu of “What’s Cookin’ Wednesdays”, I have added a new recipe tab in the upper right corner of my blog.  I will do my best to rotate these recipes seasonally so check back often 🙂



Tales From the Home Keeper

Filed under: Home — Jen @ 10:24 am
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Ara around 3-4 months old.

“I’m So Frustrated” and a Lesson in Patience

Recently, Aralyn got new bunk beds from her Mimi. (Pictures below) One night, I told her that Mimi was going to bring them over tomorrow and she fell asleep very excited with visions of bunk beds dancing in her head. The next morning I find her pacing her room exclaiming, “I’m so frustrated! I’m so frustrated!”. I ask her why she is frustrated and she says, “Its tomorrow and my bunk beds aren’t here!” We talk about how sometimes we have to be patient and that good things are worth waiting for but as I talk to her I feel very guilty.

You see, the night before I was trying to get some soothing music to play during dinner and our cd player wouldn’t work. It is really old and works about 3 out of 10 times you try to use it. After about that many attempts I remember making an exasperated sigh and Ara asking me what was the matter. I said, “I’m so frustrated! This cd player NEVER works! All I want is some calming music to play!” Now, I could have turned on the classical station or played the cd through Paul’s DVD system (though it confuses me and would probably take just as long to figure out) but I wanted the music I had picked out and when I wanted it. My words quickly popped into my head as I heard them coming out of my two year old.

It made me think about if I model patience for her. I would say when it comes to discipline and her occasional “moods” I do but there are many times I model impatience.

For example, on grocery day I have my shoes on, purse in hand and Ara dressed with shoes on ready to hit the road the second Paul gets home from work. This wouldn’t be a bad thing except that I know full well that Paul likes to unwind a bit after work before going out again. I, however; have been cooped up in the house all day ready to spring the coop. I am impatient listing in my head reasons why we need to go right then (some which are valid but most which don’t really matter) quietly stewing because I wish we could just be on our way. I don’t set a very good example in situations like these of what it means to be patient.

Thursdays are grocery days for us which means today is grocery day and I am hoping by typing this I will remind myself to have a patient heart when it comes to that time of day. Help keep me accountable and ask me how I did on Fridays if you think about it. 🙂

And now the bunk bed pictures:




Side note: My husband jokingly informed me that my title: Tales from the Home Keeper is not the least bit clever when I told him that I was trying for a play on words off :Tales from the Crypt Keeper. He said it is just Tales from the Crypt not Tales from the Crypt Keeper and so it isn’t funny.

So, I apologize for my lack of humorous title but I like it, so it will remain Tales from the Home Keeper and will fill a new slot on Thursdays where I blog about what God is teaching me through my daughter. This will replace What’s Cookin’ Wednesdays for a while since my hubby has been scheduled lots of double shifts on Wednesdays and Ara and I eat a bit lighter those days as a result.


A Very Merry Mason Jar Monday! November 17, 2008

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday,Seasons — Jen @ 1:00 am
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Mason Jar Snowmen

Aren’t they cute?

As I was scanning google images for holiday craft ideas, I ran along this one and thought it would be perfect for this week’s Mason Jar Monday. You could display them or fill them with treats as a Christmas gift.  Whatever the use, these little men are sure to melt even the coldest heart :).

Directions from HG TV:


large glass or plastic jar, such as a Mason jar or clean mayonnaise jar
1 cup lukewarm water
medium bowl
craft glue, such as Elmer’s School Glue or Eileen’s Tacky Glue
5 large sheets white tissue paper
6″ plastic foam ball
knife to cut foam ball
white craft paint
hot glue gun
empty toilet paper roll
sheet of thin cardboard (an old gift box or card stock will do)
blue craft paint
paint brush
silver glitter
small beaded eyes
orange Tic Tacs
small plastic gems or small buttons
2″ wired ribbon
small red bow
1 red pipe cleaner


1. Clean jar thoroughly and allow to dry. Paint lid with white craft paint, let dry completely.

2. Cut tissue paper into two-inch wide by five-inch long strips.

3. Mix together water and glue to make decoupage mixture. Use approx 1/3-cup of glue, enough to make mixture tacky but not too thin.

4. Gently dip tissue strips in decoupage mixture. Carefully slide each strip through index and middle finger to remove excess mixture. Beginning at the bottom, apply strips to jar, overlapping each course, until the jar is fully covered. Smooth out strips as you apply them to eliminate air bubbles. Let jar dry thoroughly overnight.

5. To create the snowman’s hat, slice toilet paper roll into 2-1/2 inch sections. Using toilet paper roll as a template, trace onto cardboard to create a same size circle for the top of a hat and a larger circle for hat’s bottom. Glue on both circles and allow to dry.

6. Paint the hat blue. Once hat has dried apply thin coat of glue and sprinkle glitter onto hat.

7. To create the snowman’s face, cut away a section of the plastic foam ball, creating a flat bottom so it will sit flush against the jar lid. Attach plastic foam ball to jar lid with hot glue.

8. Attach hat to Snowman’s head with hot glue, if necessary cut away a section of the plastic foam ball so hat will fit securely.

9. Cut one-inch piece of red pipe cleaner and hot glue on to create snowman’s smile.

10. Using hot glue, attach snowman’s eyes and orange Tic Tac nose to snowman’s head and glue three buttons or sequins to front of jar.

11. Tie ribbon around the neck of the jar, shape wired ribbon to create fullness. Add small red bow to the center of each ribbon.

12. Fill the jar with holiday treats.

If you make them- take a picture and email it to me at weepingcherries@live.com.  I will post the completed craft pictures on the following mason jar monday post.  Happy Crafting!


Just Around the Corner… November 15, 2008

Filed under: Mason Jar Monday,Seasons — Jen @ 9:02 pm
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…its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Starting this coming Monday (that is in two days) be sure to stop in for a Very Merry Mason Jar Monday. Every Monday up until Christmas I will be posting Christmas crafts for decor, gifts, etc. all using a mason jar.

Can you tell I’m excited? Stay tuned…


Sale Saturday

Filed under: Deals — Jen @ 5:59 pm
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Walgreen’s Deals November 16-22

Suave Shampoo or Conditioner on sale for 1.49. Buy 4 to receive 3 back in rollover= 4/5.96 minus the 3 rollover= 4/2.96 minus 2 manufacturers coupons for .50 off two= 4/1.96 or .49 cents ea.

blistexBlistex Lip Care is on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon minus .25 cent manufacturer coupon= .74 centspuffsPuffs Facial Tissue is on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon minus .25 cent manufacturer coupon= .74 cents


Cover Girl Lash Blast Mascara is on sale for 6.99 and B1G1= 2/6.99 minus two 1.00 off manufacturer coupons= 2/4.99 or 2.49 ea.

eyeliner1Jordana Eyeliner or Lipliner is on sale for 2/1.00 or .50 cents ea. with WA coupon.


Campbell’s Soup is on sale for .59 cents with WA coupon minus manufacturer’s coupon for .40 cents off 4= 4/1.96 or .49 cents ea.scotch-tapeScotch Transparent Tape is on sale 3/1.00 or .33 cents ea. with WA coupon.


Walgreen’s AA Batteries 12 pack is on sale B1G1= 2/4.99 or 2.49 ea.

Walgreen’s Votive Candles
are on sale 8/1.00 with WA coupon.


Ultra Bathroom Tissue 6 pack is on sale 2/5.00 with WA coupon or 2.50 ea.


Walgreen’s Paper Plates 72 count are on sale for .89 cents with WA coupon.


13 pack of Candy Canes on sale for .99 cents with WA coupon.

November Full Rebate Info is courtesy of Money Saving Mom:


Almay One Coat Mascara–up to $6.99 rebate
Use $1/1 from 8/3 inserts
Free plus $1 overage after coupon and full rebate

L’Oreal Age Perfect Pro Calcium Radiance Perfector–up to $19.99 rebate
Use $2/1 manufacturer coupon from 10/5 inserts
Free plus $2 overage after coupon and full rebate


Tales From the Home Keeper November 12, 2008

photo: My Sweet Aralyn Elizabeth at her Uncle Jon’s Wedding

Having a Servant’s Heart

Recently, we’ve been really stressing to Aralyn how we can call on Jesus when we need help. Sometimes she struggles to obey and we talk about how it IS hard to obey when it is something we don’t want to do but we can ask God to help us have an obedient heart. So, she has been talking a lot about God helping her and other people.

This Saturday I woke Ara up and the following conversation occurred:

“Aralyn, it’s time to rise and shine and give God the glory!”

Aralyn rustles around in her covers and stretches tall…

“Ara, today we have a very special way to give God glory. We are going to help our church do some community outreach.”

Ara gives me a confused look.

“We are going to go help a lady who is widowed do some yard work.”

That seemed to strike a chord and she replied,

“Mama, can’t God help her?”

“Well, yes, honey, God is going to help her and us helping with the yard work is just one way He is going to do so.”

I’m glad she is understanding that she should go to God for help but I could tell from her tone that we need to reinforce what it means to have a servant’s heart ;).

So many times I find myself asking the same question. Maybe not as bluntly as my two year old daughter but the same question all the same.

Yes, she just had a new baby Lord, but I hardly have food enough to feed my family let alone bring their family a meal. (Can’t YOU help her God?)

Yes, our friends are struggling with a death in the family but I wouldn’t know what to say to comfort them, and besides by the time a card would reach them it really wouldn’t help that much would it? (Can’t YOU help them God?)

No, our neighbors don’t know You Lord but the man has a horrible temper and I am afraid to even speak with them. (Can’t YOU reach them God?)

I would like to think that I jump on every opportunity to serve others and give glory to my Lord, but I have to admit that I fall short way too often. Perhaps I need to re-look at what it truly means to have a servant’s heart as well. Perhaps we all do.