Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

Messes and Mercy September 26, 2013

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Today is a day that I am thankful for God’s grace in my life and the life of my children. My house looks like a tornado blew through it, and it smells of an odd combination: cleaning products and poo. Tonight my family very well may eat packaged frozen gluten free chicken nuggets on paper plates and James spent most of the day playing leapfrog letters on the computer while I scrubbed before mentioned poo. There are days when I would feel like today was a massive failure. 


My housekeeping would make me feel guilty; I would worry that my children would get cancer from the microwave zapped meal; and I would worry that my son would grow up to be a lazy 30 year old in my basement playing video games because of his computer time.



Today; however, I am thankful that God has the power and mercy to redeem the time in ways I was unable to. He has taught my daughter through her independent schoolwork today; he calmed me to where I was mindful enough to cherish the time I had cuddling and feeding John, singing to him about his Savior; the kids begged for more chapters read aloud from 2 Samuel at lunch- no matter the nutritional contents of it~they were fed; and they learned that Mama is human and fails when I had to apologize for getting upset when they woke the baby as soon as I laid him down.



I am reminded of a quote I read somewhere, “If you can’t have grace in the moment- Have grace in the turnaround.”



Filed under: Uncategorized — Jen @ 3:42 pm
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JT.  Sweet John Thomas was born at the end of August and has filled our lives with so much more love!  Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!