Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

Homespun Holiday January 12, 2012

What a wonderful, blessed Christmas we had!  Here are some of the highlights:

I scored this beautiful tree on black friday- next best thing to a real one, most people couldn’t tell it was fake!

The REAL garland to give the home a piney smell.  Also scored on black friday!

Ara and James loved the tree this year.  The ornaments were never in the same place and we had quite a few bite the dust, unfortunately.

Our first fire in the fireplace 🙂

Ara and I strung cranberries to make garland and then juiced the rest.

This year we did quite a bit of holiday baking!

Peppermint Bark chilling in the fridge

Baking Maple Granola for gifts…

Along with 6 dozen cookies: 3 dozen chocolate chip and 3 dozen toffee crunch

Packaged and ready to go and one left for Paul and I to munch on…

We took the kids to see the Christmas train display

Made gifts for our family…

…started to knit the kids stockings… and then decided to let that go this year, maybe next.

What a sweet Christmas it was!  Quiet, no places to rush off to, celebrating with family and friends the birth of our Lord.

So grateful for the blessing of God’s Son sent to earth and the blessings He continues to send everyday.

I hope you and your family had a very blessed Christmas as well!


Snow Day! February 22, 2008

Filed under: Seasons — Jen @ 10:22 am
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I feel like I need to bump my previous post about how Spring is almost here to remind myself. It really is just around the corner! Today; however, it is white for as far as you can see. Schools are closed which means the tea room that I work at on Fridays is closed as well and I feel like a kid with a snow day!

This morning Aralyn and I spent some time at our window seat watching the birds puffing themselves up to keep warm. The cardinals are so beautiful against the background of snowy white. Our yard is the place to be if you are a bird in our neighborhood because we have one of the only evergreen trees to keep warm in.

With the weather the way it is to day, I am dreaming of a fireplace. Maybe I need to get one of those videos that you pop in your DVD player and it turns your tv into a fireplace!

If I could give you one thing today, it would be a big, steaming bowl of tomato soup. So, enjoy! Happy snow day!