Weeping Cherries

faith, family, food and frugality

“C” is for Contentment July 17, 2008

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Today, at the McKinney household, we began learning the letter ‘C’. The character value that we are learning about is the value of contentment.

This process of instruction for Aralyn is so beneficial for me because as I am instructing her, I am being convicted myself. How do I model contentment for her? How often does she hear me speaking of the things I would like to have? On the flip side, how often does she hear me praising God for those things that I do have?

The definition that I read to her for contentment is, “Realizing that God has provided everything I need for my present happiness.” We are using the character value definitions worksheets that the Duggar family provided in the Christian Home Educators conference we attended last month.

When I begin to feel like things would be good “if only I had this or if only things were this way”, I have been trying to remind myself that God has already provided everything I need for my present happiness. He has for you too.